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    Talent Recognition

    We recognise talent when we see one

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    Skills Development

    We nurture skills

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    Community membership

    We welcome you into our community

Talent Recognition

We roll out initiatives for talent spotting in schools, communities, and online platforms to unveil hidden skills.

Talent Development

Create and execute workshops for skill enhancement, mentorship programs, and training sessions customized to meet the unique requirements of recognized talents.

Talent Showcase

We develop an online platform and organize local events to showcase the talents discovered and cultivated through our programs.


We create scholarship programs to support talented individuals in pursuing higher education or advanced training in their respective fields.


Awareness about the importance of talent development and its impact on society through social media campaigns, workshops and outreach programs


Build an inclusive community that encourages collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual support among individuals with diverse talents.

About MoAfrica

Motivating African Youths

MoAfrica was established on January 20, 2019 following an exploration into the fundamental quest for the one thing lacking among African youth.

In Africa, success has always been a challenge and often, we invest in everything for success except one crucial element. Can motivation be the only free commodity while everything else remains expensive?

Indeed, motivation is the sole free asset on the market yet it is what the African youth lacks. Our deficiency is not in money, education or resources but in the motivation to utilize them.

Our primary mandate is to wield motivation as a powerful tool for the success of all.

Upcoming Events

An event will be posted here soon!

We are currently and busily preparing for an exciting event and it will be posted here very soon.


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About Us

MoAfrica aims to provide holistic development for individuals, recognizing the potential for sports to teach valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience. Additionally, the involvement of foreign donors and investors suggests a global perspective, acknowledging the importance of international collaboration in achieving their goals.


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